You are here: Home > Catalogue > Solenostemon 'Coral Ruffles' > 'Bordeaux'


Vibrant deep coloured foliage that is a real asset to any mixed garden situation.
Solenostemon are among the easiest of all plants to grow. Once they are established in gardens in warmer areas where the temperature holds above frost levels they need little extra watering. In the warmer months the plants need to be well fertilised to maintain good growth as this accentuates the leaf size and colour. Whilst the plants are young, pinch the tips out occasionally to encourage bushiness. Remove any flowers and buds that develop as these detract from the highest colour in the foliage. Best colour will be attained in light shade in warmer areas but full sun will give best growth. Little trouble is experienced with pests but occasional mealy bugs and red spider mites may need controlling.